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Pineapple & Ginger Yerba Mate Energy Drink - 4pack

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Crafted from 100% Yerba Mate leaves, slowly steeped in cold water to unlock pure natural strength together with a bold taste. A vibrant, fruity essence of natural pineapple with a lively kick of spice.

  • Perfect dose of energy
  • No-crash
  • Low in calories
  • A light entry and a great aftertaste
  • 100MG of natural caffeine from the Yerba Mate
  • Easily fizzy

Crafted in small batches in Alberta

335ml per can

    Pineapple & Ginger Yerba Mate Energy Drink - 4pack
    Pineapple & Ginger Yerba Mate Energy Drink - 4pack
    Pineapple & Ginger Yerba Mate Energy Drink - 4pack

    100% made from natural ingredients and low in calories.

    Naturally caffeinated from the process of infusing Yerba Mate tea in cold water for 8 hours. No additives, preservatives, or extracts; only the real stuff.

    Pinneaple & Ginger

    Clean energy from the Yerba Mate tea, sweetness from the Pineapple, and the spiciness of ginger made this light drink life.

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